Sunday, June 13, 2010


Silence isn't golden. Silence is creepy. I used to like the feeling of being alone, being allowed to think and do whatever. Now its just weird. When it is dead silent... well it just shouldn't ever be like that. Too many strange things can happen. They always show it in the movies even, the awkward silence and then the suspenseful music and then something bad happens. Except in real life, there isn't a director to cue the creepy music, so things can actually sneak up on you. And these things are a lot worse than something that isn't real and is just on the movie screen. That is a nice movie trick they do though, they play the music to get you on the edge of your seat, cause you know that something is coming up and you don't know what and you know its going to be something sudden and it will jump out at you. It probably isn't anything that scary most of the time. I've always wondered what would happen if you didn't have any sound in a movie like that. Would you still be scared if there wasn't the music to make your heart pound? If it was just an image that appeared on the screen?

I think that I might know why I don't sleep at night now. I have to make myself stay awake because it drives me crazy to not tell my best friend good night, and then once I pass a certain point, I am no longer sleepy. Does that happen with everyone? You are tired, really tired, but if you make yourself stay up long enough and you pass that point where you think that you are just going to fall over, then you aren't sleepy anymore? But if I don't stay up, I still can't sleep, no matter how sleepy I was. The only difference is if I don't stay up and say it, when I try to sleep, its terrible dreams and fitful, unrestful sleep. So staying up is the best option.

Hiking doesn't sound very fun to me. Its outside, where there are evil bugs that are for some reason more attracted to me than to any other human being on earth, and where it is hot. Its a long dangerous trail through unfamiliar territory and you aren't sure where you are going to end up or where the next resting spot will be, if there is any other civilization for miles around, and if you get lost, there is not much hope for you. None of that sounds very enjoyable. I would really prefer to not be lost in the wilderness. But I haven't much choice, they are forcing me against my will to do such thing tomorrow. Otherwise I won't get credit for the thing called "summer school". I wonder if you can get lost in a public park.

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