Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Mind is a Country

This is an analogy that I wrote a while ago. I think that it is a pretty fair, and interesting way to look at the world, and makes sense if you really think about it.

The mind is like a country. Some countries have tighter security than others and a passport is harder to get. This stays true whether you wish to gain a passport to leave or one to enter. But all countries have visitors. Sometimes people lie to get a passport and other times they sneak in. Honest people are welcomed with open arms.

The country usually has one ruler. The ruler isn't always nice. The ruler can be elected in, or it can be the result of some hostile takeover. An evil ruler doesn't take into consideration what would be best for all the people in the country, it only sees one thing and sets its mind to it. A good ruler also sets goals and meets them, but they make sure it is whats best.

There are different types of countries. Some are weak, small countries, easily taken over by other countries. These countries are in need of help from larger, stronger countries. Unfortunately, not all of the countries offer assistance. They can be so focused on themselves that they don't pay attention to the world around them. This is sometimes the result of a bad leader, but sometimes it is truly for the best that they focus on themselves if they are having trouble. At such times, they need help from countries like themselves.

Natural disasters can strike a country. As long as the hurting country is given help, the disaster isn't all bad. It signals new growth, and change, and a new start at life. Sometimes it seems like a disaster, but it is what is needed.

Strong countries can be hard to find at times. Not everyone is a strong country. All have the potential, but few realize it. It is usually thanks to a strong country already in existence that one realizes their potential. When countries form allies, they really have the power to change the world.


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