Friday, May 28, 2010

Whatever: An Assortment of Thoughts

Its weird, once you lose someone really important to you, you hold the people you still have really close to you, because you are so afraid of losing them. I think that may be why people hug you when you are upset, they want to show that they are there for you, and they exist and live and you still have them. Once you lose someone, you want constant contact with the people you love, just to make sure that they are safe and ok, and you really don't want to let them out of your sight, but you have to, because you know that it isn't right to keep them in a bubble. "I trust you, its the world and how it treats you that I worry about." That is how I feel.

I have listened to a lot of music lately. Online radio, quite the thing, I really enjoy it. Its good to get something new in your life sometimes. Other times its less than great, but new music is normally really good. I've written a lot of things too. I may post some of them at a later time.

Gardening is quite the activity. Especially if none of the tools you need work properly and you have to use rocks to plug holes in mechanical things and duct tape to keep tools from flying apart.

The day has been exceptionally long, and a little unpleasant. When you have bad dreams the night before and don't really sleep very much and then get up and then...I'm not sure, the day has just kind of came and gone, I'm not really sure what has went on. It involved cleaning and a lot of socks and a bunch of other really not fun stuff. Even my thoughts haven't been able to keep me cheerful. There was an extreme lack of person that makes my days perfect. Perhaps tomorrow I will be able to relay some deep topic or delightful news.

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