Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Agitation, a Pencil, and El Queso Gigante

El Queso Gigante, The Giant Cheese. Surely nothing else in the world can beat its amazingness. What else can boast such grandness, and be the largest attraction in the entire grocery store, in the entire history of grocery stores, in the history of mankind? Ok, that may be a bit much, but you have to admit, this cheese is pretty great.

On to other business. I woke up this morning, after sleeping better than I had in a while, most likely after yesterday's post and the ability to release emotion and be understood, and then I innocently got on one of my choice social networking sites, and then nearly immediately got off. Why, you ask. Because some people have no heart. Some people care only about themselves, and no one else. And some people think that they are better than everyone else. All of these people you can't help but feel sorry for. They do not understand what it means to be a compassionate, loving, kind human being. To not understand love, to not be able to feel it and share it and know it, would have to be the worst thing that could ever happen to a person. Maybe that is judging them a bit too harshly though, and I have no right to do that.

Relay for Life is an important cause to my family. My cousin is a 18 year cancer survivor. My great grandmother and great grandfather died from cancer. So I am pretty excited to be a part of a team this year. The theme is birthdays, celebrating a world with more birthdays. I think its a really cool idea. If we can find the cure for cancer, people won't die from it, therefore they will live longer, celebrating more birthdays. Before I realized that biology wasn't my strong area of science, I always wanted to be the person to discover that cure. Not for the fame and glory, just to share it with other people, to help others. I think that would be really cool, to be able to help people that have been told for years that they have no hope, to make it so hearing "You have cancer" isn't any different from something like "You have a cold". Or even better, make it like smallpox: eradicated.

It's said that writing is the most powerful tool there is, that and your brain, which really go hand in hand, you can't write without a brain, well you can, but it won't be thoughtful writing. I write a lot (as I'm sure you can tell from this). I write random dialogue that I think of, poetry, everything. I was thinking earlier, it would be pretty cool if I could compile all of that into an actual story. Or if they made this blog into a book someday. I'm not sure if people would read it or not, but its an idea. My personal preference isn't to type things first, its to write them with a pencil. Especially poems, they need to be personal and thoughtful, something best done in pencil. I may go do some of that pencil writing now, I feel rather creative.

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