Sunday, May 30, 2010

Space, Please

There are things that I do not like. I speak very loudly. Therefore everyone, whether I know them or not, probably knows what I like and what I don't, for I am not ashamed to speak my mind loud and proud. One thing I don't like: doctors. Doctors, dentists, and things put into a category with those types of people, I dislike. They are all up in your business, both by asking questions and by just poking you and looking at places and things that you should not let people do. Its really bad with the dentist I think. The doctor just asks lots of things and then looks in your ears and then you leave. Not that terrible. But the dentist gets all friendly and handsy all up in your mouth, which no one should have entrance there. That is inside of me, you shouldn't be all looking and touching and investigating inside my body. Its weird, you don't do that. How would you like it if I just stuck my hand in your mouth and felt around everywhere and looked everywhere? I wouldn't ever do it because its gross. And you actually probably would freakishly like it. I went to the dentist once, and I don't plan on ever going back. Disgusting and disturbing.

Something else I don't like: getting my hair cut. Now these people aren't all up in your space to terribly bad. But in order to get your hair cut, you have to be seated. I don't like sitting in public, even at school, I would much prefer to stand. When you are sitting, you are weak, powerless. Especially when you are practically lying down in a dentist's chair or when getting your hair washed. By standing, you have more power. You have the power to run away. You have the power to fight. Standing is good. When sitting, you don't have the power to run. You barely have to power to move at all. You can't fend off an attack easily while sitting. Something else about getting your hair cut: you have to be careful who you trust to do it. Hair grows back, this is true. But waiting for it to grow out once you get something you really don't like takes ages. Maybe not literally, but it certainly does feel like it.

One last thing that I don't like: change. Simple, small changes that don't affect much are fine. But when you start changing the schedule and basically the order of life itself, I have a problem with that. Making dinner an hour later one day, totally fine. Deciding that you are going to not talk to me for a week and then when you do talk again it is very infrequent: not fine. Changing your entire life schedule at the drop of a hat: very not fine. Such is the shock nature of summer. Very not fine.

Something I do like: space. I mean this in both that I must be able to have my own personal space, and outer space. Both are very important to me. Looking at the stars and being able to breathe my own air are very nice things. Sometimes I am ok with not having all of my space, like if my amigo gives me a hug, that is fine, that is actually very nice. He smells good and is warm. But some stranger standing too close breathing down my neck is not good. Or teachers staring over your shoulder during a test, that bothers me so much. I will actually stop working until they leave. I really don't like people doing that. People standing behind me in general is something that I don't like, especially when I am sitting.

I feel like this post made a nice circle, it started sort of about sitting and ended sort of about sitting. I believe that my work here for the day is now done.

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