Thursday, May 20, 2010

Great Things

They say that writing down stuff and telling people about your day is supposed to help with stress and stuff. Maybe that only works if you can remember what happened during a day though. Because I know that there was some pretty cool stuff that I was going to write here, and now I can't think of any of it.

I know one thing that I did today, that I am so super proud of. I finished a crossword puzzle. Now that may not sound very impressive, but it was a massive one, 200 words, all about random science things. Science club (which I am president of) had been working on this puzzle since January. Every time we would meet, we would add a few more words. Our sponsor (my favorite teacher ever, except for maybe the math teacher, I love her too) said that we should finish it before the end of the year. Tomorrow is the last day of school. I was determined to finish that thing. All this week, I have went before school, skipped (with permission of course) lots of classes (its not like we were doing anything anyways), and stayed a little after school to finish it. And I worked and looked in textbooks and searched the Internet to find the answers. And I did it. During last hour today, I wrote in the last word. I was very very very excited!

In Spanish class, my pinata won the contest. He is a Pooh pinata, and he is very cute. :)
And, good news, I now have a math class for next year. They have decided to have one. I was very glad about this as well.

I have hope for the next year, high school so far has been terrible. I haven't been able to take a lot of the classes I have wanted to, some other really bad things have happen (which we touched on in my first entry, I'm not sure how solidly though, just trust me, things have been bad). But maybe things are turning around. I have a best friend now, that I'm pretty sure isn't going to just suddenly hate me and leave me to cry for three months, that I could not love anymore than I already do (its a lot of love, he is very important to me). I have dealt with some things that I was just running from. I think that things are getting better. I have hope.

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