Friday, May 21, 2010

Boredom and a Hurt Brain

I have found the never ending logic puzzle. I have been working on it for hours, and I'm still not getting very far on it. It's supposed to make a picture when you are done, but this one just looks like a blob. A sort of lop sided hourglass shaped blob. I think I may have messed up somewhere. Or perhaps it is just supposed to look like that. I'm not sure. But now my brain hurts.

The Google logo is a playable version of Pac-Man. I love video games, I think this may be the coolest Google logo ever!

I really feel like people are ignoring me. This happens every time I feel sick. Perhaps when I feel sick and sort of out of it that brings paranoia, not that my friends actually ignore me more. Either way I don't much like it.

The way this typing in a blog thing looks, it looks like you are writing a lot. But you really aren't writing very much at all. There is just a lot of space between everything, and then that straightens back out once you post it. Its very interesting.

So I'm really pretty sure that I will post regularly during the summer. Its only the first day and already I am out of things to do. I guess when your life is school, that's to be expected. I'm not sure how other people make it. Maybe they actually have a life and friends and hobbies.

I don't have room for Spanish class in my schedule next year. Hopefully my friends will want me to help them with theirs, so I will be able to keep it fresh in my mind.

I should write something philosophical now. Let us ponder, what is a question that the world has that needs an answer from the amazing me...
Black holes.
I have a theory on black holes, on what exactly they are. I think that they are entrances to either heaven or hell. It would make sense, nothing can escape black holes, their existence is questioned. They are interruptions in spacetime, just like either one of those would be, because time doesn't stop, you just aren't aware of it. I don't think it would make sense for them to be a different dimension, because you can't exist in different dimensions, once a day has passed, it doesn't exist on a different thread, it is over and done. There is only forward, not backwards. And to be able to travel into the future would mean to say that the future already exists and you are the past, which I don't believe is possible. And once you enter a black hole, the gravity is so great that any material thing is destroyed, so it must be something that only a non matter thing, like a spirit, can pass through. I think that my theory makes perfect sense. I'm not sure that science is going to much care for my theory though.

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein


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